Educational Speaker-Karen Lindauer
- Name of Presentation: Natural Communities from Middle Georgia to Extreme NE Tennessee
- Date: Sunday, March 4, 2018
- Time: 2-3pm
- Location: Upstairs Overlook Room at Woodlands Garden
- Cost: Free with registration here
- Reservation link:
- Parking Off Site required find more details here

Description of Talk: An amazing diversity of natural habitats occurs from the fall line in central Georgia to the extreme the mountain balds of Tennessee and North Carolina. These habitats support a wide variety of plant and animal communities, which in turn provide valuable lessons in understanding the habitats in our own “back yards.”
Bio of Speaker: Karen Lindauer is an avid gardener and strong advocate for native plants. Following early retirement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she and her husband moved from Morningside to Tucker, where they bought a home on nearly 2 acres. Aside from many beautiful hardwoods and a few azaleas, the property was a blank slate. Over the next 16 years, many wildflowers, shrubs and small trees were added, many from native plant rescues. When her husband’s failing health necessitated selling the Tucker home, they were fortunate to find a buyer who appreciated the very special property. She now gardens and enjoys the benefits of a native forest at Wesley Woods Towers. She is a member of the Georgia Native Plant Society, the Georgia Botanical Society, and the Atlanta Audubon Society.
Register here:
Special thanks to these local nurseries, organizations, and businesses for your support to make the Fall Plant Sale a great success!
- Ace Hardware Tucker
- Arborguard
- Ashe-Simpson Garden Center
- Atlanta History Center Goizueta Gardens
- Baker Environmental Nursery
- Brushwood Nursery
- Buck Jones Nursery
- Chattahoochee Nature Center
- Dorough Nursery
- Family Tree
- Frank Smith’s Nursery
- Georgia Wholesale Nursery
- Garden*Hood
- Georgia Perimeter College Garden
- Goodness Grows
- Halls Flower Shop
- Intown Ace Hardware – Decatur
- John Dunn
- Ladyslipper Rare Plant Nursery
- Native Forest Nursery
- Night Song Native Plant Nursery
- Piccadilly Farm Nursery and Gardens
- Pike’s Nursery Regional Office
- Randy’s Nursery
- ReVisioned Furniture
- Southern Native Plantings
- The Kinsey Family Farm
- Transplant Nursery
- Wilkerson Mill Gardens
- Woody’s Wholesale Nursery
The Woodlands Garden Plant Sale is made possible by a group of dedicated volunteers. Let us know if you’d like to help organize future Plant Sales or participate with any Garden efforts. Complete this online Volunteer Application to provide your interests and get more involved at Woodlands. The Garden is a special place due to the many hands that make it grow; come join the fun!
Fall is a great time to add to your garden and who doesn’t love to shop…Stop by the Woodlands Garden Fall Plant Sale to learn from the experts what plants are perfect for your home landscape. Plants available range in price from $3 to $25+ and have been grown by volunteers, cultivated at Woodlands Garden, and donated by local nurseries (list coming soon below). All proceeds from the Fall Plant Sale help fund the maintenance of this public garden.
The dedicated Plant Sale Committee will provide a fun shopping experience on these Sundays from 12:30pm to 4:30pm: September 17, 24 and October 1, 8, 15
Images of plants available found on Facebook Album here.
Quick list of what is available this year:
- Many varieties of FERNS and IRISES
- Native Azaleas
- Sourwood
- Hellebores
- Salvia
- Lamb’s Ear
- Crinum lilies
- Edgeworthia
- Oaks
- Hydrangea-oakleaf, variegated, mophead
- Canna
Here are some popular plants available:
- Buckeye
- Bloodroot
- Black-eyed Susan
- Confederate Rose Hibiscus
- Robb’s Euphorbia
- Peacock Moss
- Lenten Rose
- Hostas
- Mayapple
- Native azaleas
- Numerous varieties of ferns including Japanese painted, Christmas, and bramble
- Camellias
- Sweetshrub
- Blue-eyed grass
- Loropetalum
- Celadine poppy
- Orange and white ginger lilies
- Beautyberry